Friday, January 13, 2012

spay time

Bailey had her spay surgery yesterday, and the girls at the vet said they couldn't believe what a quiet little girl she was. She didn't make a peep all day until the tech lifted her up to show me the incision, and she let out a few pretty heartbreaking cries at that time . I got her home (in a snowstorm) and gave her some food and she slept all evening on a bed my mom made up for her on the floor. I moved it into the bedroom about 8, and she stayed there until around 12. She slept through most of the night under the blankets on my bed, like always. She is sore, and has a hard time with the stairs and getting down off the bed but got up like nothing was wrong. We tried keeping her off but it's a lost cause at this point.

Overall she is doing just fine, having a quiet weekend and she should be on the mend soon!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well, Bailey got through her first holiday season without incident! She loved her Christmas gifts (a new bed, toy, and some yummy treats!) and got to meet a lot of new friends last night at my New Years Eve party. She played with everyone for about 20 minutes then curled up on her bed and went to sleep - didn't even really beg for people's food! She loved having a house full of people :)

I took Bailey to the vet to get weighed and pick up her flea treatment, since it's gotten very warm again and she is so allergic. She is 19.5lbs! Big girl!

Our next adventure is her spay on January 12th. Going to cost a pretty penny, but she is worth it! :)

Anyway, picture time!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

happy holidays!

It's Bailey's First Christmas! She was pretty curious about the tree and presents at first, but now she's more interested in playing with everyone who comes to visit. She still loves to be snuggled, and we got some snow yesterday so she has been suckering just about everyone into taking her out to play in it. We shall see how she fares tomorrow evening when we open our gifts!

Friday, December 9, 2011


Sometimes, when I'm trying to study and it's a little chilly, I throw on one of Matt's hoodies. Seems like every time I do, Bailey climbs up on me and snuggles in with her face buried in Matt's hoodie. I think it's adorable, she loves anything that smells like her daddy!

That's all for tonight!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

getting ready for christmas!

Well, it's December, which means it's time to start thinking about the holidays and all the things that go along with it. The lights are up and most of the shopping is done and wrapped, but I've run into the interesting predicament of having nowhere to put the tree, due to the furniture being too heavy for me to move on my own and Bailey being a curious little beagle. I don't want to risk her getting into something she shouldn't and getting really sick, so I may just skip the tree at the apartment this year.

Anyway, Bailey is doing really well! Last night she spent the night with my parents, her first night away from me since we got her. She crawled under the blankets and curled up on my mom's feet and stayed in bed until after 9am. She's been trying to get in to sleep in their bed every night for the past couple of months, but she just goes in and jumps on my dad and licks his face while he is sleeping, or wakes mom up. But she was good last night apparently! :)

Bailey has a new favorite toy! When I was out shopping today they had dog toys of characters from the old-school Rudolph special with the Christmas stuff, so I picked one out for her - the Abominable Snow Monster, of course! Well, let's just say that THAT 'Bumble didn't stand a chance!

They eventually declared a truce and decided to curl up instead!

(And no, she hasn't managed to destroy it yet, it's a pretty sturdy one, actually!)